Case StudySearch Engine OptimizationTips on getting more organic traffic to your site

March 1, 2021by Brandon Bass

Increasing organic traffic can be tricky, there’s no quick and easy way to get more views to your website. It takes patience, trial, and error to optimize your website, but once you see results you’ll be glad you put in the work. Here we have a screenshot taken from Google Analytics for one of our clients. As you can see page views have increased by 15.11% from the time of November 30, 2020, through February 28, 2021, in comparison to the time of August 31, 2020, through November 29, 2020.

Google analytics

As mentioned in our previous case study, getting organic results must happen “naturally” meaning you cannot pay to get organic results. To get organic traffic must it must be earned. The way to earn that is by search engine optimization.

Tips on getting more organic traffic, have better SEO!

Each website is different but generally, the following tips are essential in having better SEO which will result in better organic traffic to your website.

  • Fix website issues (maintenance)
  • Use target keywords throughout your site
  • Measure what you implement

How should I find website issues?

Some issues can be easily spotted while others are more difficult. SEMrush is a great tool to find urgent and prominent issues. Start focusing on urgent issues like updating your sitemap, fixing non-secure pages, or updating broken internal links. Here we used SEMrush to analyze and pinpoint what needs to be addressed or else our organic traffic will be impacted negatively.


What keywords should I use?

I wish we could tell you what exact keywords to use, but it entirely depends on what kind of business you are, the industry, and what people are searching for. A way to get an idea of what keywords to use is to search on Google to see what your competitors are using. Look at the top search results and see which keywords are prominent and use those if you feel they fit your website. Since those competitors are listed at the top, chances are if you use similar keywords you will get more organic traffic.

search results

Another helpful method we use used for finding our client’s keywords is using WordStreams’ free keyword tool. You’re able to search up a keyword or a competitor’s URL and it gives you a list of keywords that people are searching up.


What should I measure?

Measure how your keywords are ranking as well as any other issues that might pop up from month to month. Like mentioned before, SEMrush is really helpful in showing valuable insights to see if your strategy is working. Google Analytics is also useful to see if any changes in organic traffic have occurred to your website.

Google analytics


Hopefully, this guide was helpful in giving you an idea of growing your organic traffic towards your website. Search engine optimization is essential to stay on top of your competition and make sure your website is visible to a potential audience. offers SEO services so you don’t worry about time, effort, and marketing know-how. We take the stress off you, visit our search engine optimization page to learn more about our services.

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